Konumlandırma modu
GPS, LBS, AGPS, Beidou, GLONASS, Gerçek zamanlı konumlandırma, Acil konumlandırma, Güç tasarrufu modu
Veri depolama
SD kart, Other
Ses kaydedici, Anti-shock, Hızlı şarj, Ses monitör, street view, ACC algılama, Aşırı hız uyarı, Tekerlek yol oynatma, Coğrafik çit, SDK, 5G Sim kart
Supports TF card, up to 256GB, Class10
Menşe Yeri
Guangdong, China
Otomotiv, Motosikletler, truck bus
Pil Kapasitesi (mAh)
Güç kaynağı
Kablolu elektrik
Product name
Camera Driver DMS Video Monitoring Integrated GPS
Product Type1
Remote real-time video and playback
Product Type2
AI alarm video upload
Product Type3
Support multi-channel HD video
Product Type4
Voice support intercom
Product Type5
support DMS left and right steering wheel settings
Support TF card, up to 256GB, Class10 and above, FAT32
Host CPU
Dual core, 1.2GHz
Front camera
1/2.9'', 2 megapixel CMOS sensor