Menşe Yeri
Shandong, China
Çekirdek bileşenleri
Rulman, Motor, Dişli, PLC, Basınçlı kap, Motor, Şanzıman, Other
wood/log/timber loading and grabbing
Boyut (L * W * H)
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Product name
atv log timber trailer with crane for tractor
Max arm length
7800mm for forest log crane trailer with hydraulic crane for tractor
Rotary angle
380 for Wood Log Timber Crane grapping
Rotary oil cylinder quantity
4 for timber log grab ATV grapple log trailer with crane
Noumber of balance valve
1 for timber log grab ATV grapple log trailer with crane
hydraulic oil flow
15~70l/min ATV grapple log trailer with crane
Grab size
TG08~TG36 for ATV grapple log trailer with crane
CE ISO for ATV grapple log trailer with crane
Wood Log Timber Crane grapping